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Endued With Power I-Radio:The Preaching of Revivalist Steve O'Brien. Live Sunday nights 6PM EST on Talkshoe and also listen to recorded archived messages from past shows. Please read the blog entry "Why I Live and Preach the Way I Do" from June 2010 before listening to Steve preach to have a good understanding about the anointing and gifts God has placed in his life for your good. Please forgive the quality of the recordings as they are done over a cell phone and blue tooth mic. The quanity of the word is great.

Monday, December 20, 2010

HOW SAD! – HOW TRUE! – Coach Dave


-extracts by Coach Dave Daubenmire.

Okay Lord, I’ll write it. But I really don’t understand why you give me these dirty jobs. Why haven’t you anointed me to write about the evil Democrats, or say, those God-haters who want to take Manger Scenes off of the courthouse steps? Why can’t I be like Ann Coulter and just expose liberals? Why do I always have to write things about folks who are supposed to be on my side? The liberals hate me enough – why do I have to keep poking “conservatives” in the eye?

It won’t be long before I won’t be welcome anywhere in Christian

circles. But I promised you years ago that I would be faithful to

write and speak what you put in my spirit. As President John

Adams famously said, “Duty is ours. The results belong to God.”

So, I’ll lay it out there and trust you have a reason for putting the

words in my heart.

Most Christians are not. Not really disciples of Jesus that is. As I

go about my work, I have become more and more convinced of

that truth. The American Experience is in trouble because those

who claim to be followers of Jesus really don’t follow Him.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, they “go to church,” and most “believe in

God,” but they are not followers of Jesus. They don’t even know

what that means…to follow Jesus…even though they are

“Christians.” In fact, I doubt whether the Apostle Paul, or any of

the first-century believers, would even recognize the “religion” that

we call “Christianity” today. Just wondering….was Jesus a “Christian?”

Jesus hated religion. It was the “religious” folks that He tried to

free us from. “But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees,

hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for

ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are

entering to go in.”

Read Mathew 23 to understand better what He had to say to

“religious” leaders. He stated it better than I can.

Look. Christianity is not a religion, it is not “going to church”, it is

not a set of rules and regulations after which you pattern your life,

it is not a crutch for the weak, it is not an answer on the US

Census, and it is not a home business designed to increase one’s

earthly possessions.

Christianity is the life of Jesus living through you. It is an exchange

of your life for His, a living out of His nature instead of yours, a

“putting on” of the life of Jesus, not a process where you “accept”

Him, or “receive” Him, or “come” to Him. It is a death process…a

dying of you and your old nature…a transformation really…out of

an old life to a new one. “Christ IN you, the hope of Glory.”

Most folks who identify as Christians claim to know Jesus as

Savior. Very few know Him as Lord.

That’s why Christianity is so shallow in America. We love the

“Savior” part of Jesus, but aren’t quite ready to bow to that “Lord”

thingee. Most are interested in having “their Savior” bless their

endeavors, but few are willing to “lay down their lives” for Him.

Everyone wants to “follow Jesus” until they find out where He is

going…He is heading to a Cross…and He asks you to take up

yours and follow Him. This flies in the face of popular Christianity

and its “felt needs”…

The hearts of Americans are hard to pierce. Stephen called folks

like us “Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye

do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.”

How did the religious folks receive Stephen and his honest rebuke?

“Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and

ran upon him with one accord, And cast him out of the city, and

stoned him…”

Here is what I am getting at. Most “Christians” are not open to the

true Gospel because they already think they have it. They have

learned to compartmentalize it, to compromise it, to hang it on the

coat rack. But they have heard a different Gospel. They have been

taught to follow Christianity, not Jesus.

Do yourself a favor. Take the time to read the book of Acts. It is a

record of the “Gospel” being lived out by those who were most

familiar with the Savior. You will look long and hard, far and wide,

to find anything even remotely resembling the modern-day

Humanistic, self-serving, Jesus-wants-me-to-be-happy-and-rich-

Gospel belching out of the pulpits today. Would they invite Paul,

the greatest evangelist the world has ever known, to appear on

TBN? Would Rick Warren and Joel Osteen allow him to stand in

their pulpits? Can you picture him “dancing with the stars?”

Americans are following a “different” Gospel, which is “no Gospel at all.”

“Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and

have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and

miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:”

Read Mathew 13. It is here that we read of the wheat and the tares

which GROW UP TOGETHER. That’s right. When you go to

“church” on Sunday it would behoove you to look around. Many of

those sitting beside you are destined for the bon-fire. They look

like Christians, the sing like Christians, and they speak the

Christian “language”, but they are not children of the Lord.

“Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not

prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils?

and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I

profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work

iniquity.” -Mathew 7

America is the most “Gospelized” nation in the world, but my

dealings with Americanized “Christians” have convinced me that

the greatest mission field in the world is inside the four walls of

most American churches.

The darkness thinks it is light…



Posted  by Andrew Strom on December 10th, 2010 http://www.johnthebaptisttv.com/

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